How to get rid of acne marks at home

« ...So, although you may be told to wash your face frequently as a form of treatment for acne, note that it is not a condition caused by dirt. However, as a treatment for acne, you should still try or continue washing your face with a mild antibacterial soap suggested by your dermatologist at least twice a day. If your skin is very oily, you should wash it more often, but never overwash or scrub your skin especially your face since it may irritate your skin and will possibly just worsen your acne. A good treatment for acne in this approach is not to use any abrasive cleansers or cleansing pads. Aside from that, shampooing is also a good treatment for acne since the oil in your hair may also trigger the formation of acne. And, a water-based cosmetic could be an effective treatment for acne....
...Exercising is a simple, yet very powerful way of curing acne. A lot of people have had great success by simply eating healthier and going to the gym 3 or 4 times a week. By eating fruits and vegetables and working up a sweat, you are helping your body cleanse itself. Adding a lot of water intake, you have a great combination....»
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«...The way I've always tackled acne problems is with natural home-made remedies, I've always sworn by natural cures. There are many reasons for this, but I think the main reason is; I don't have any allergies to any remedies, so I know for sure that the remedies won't cause any embarrassing side effects....»
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